“There needs to be more adult Astrid, and less of her getting tortured,” a post with over 14,000 upvotes on the subreddit r/Rule34 reads. Nevertheless, underage torture content has apparently been a problem elsewhere. To address this, r/HTTYDporn has three rules: 1) no content where the characters are underage 2) no rape/gore and 3) no scat. The issue of Astrid’s age is seemingly a point of contention among fans of HTTYD porn, as is the fact that Astrid torture porn is a subgenre within the field. With the exception of her age in the first movie, it makes sense that she would be a source of erotic fodder for fans - she was basically written as a Norse fantasy love interest. Beautiful despite herself, she’s tough and rational, providing Hiccup with a blunt voice of reason while remaining his most outspoken supporter.” Per the Dreamworks website, she’s the “self-assured, competitive champion of the Dragon Races and Hiccup’s longtime girlfriend. Pale, blonde and blue-eyed, she is said to be 15 in the first movie, ranges in age from 18 to 21 in the following three films and apparently matures in an epilogue where she’s 30. Among the most popular content on r/HTTYDporn are images pertaining to a specific human character, Astrid. Obviously, there’s a decent amount of crossover, too.

Much of the HTTYD porn on the market is split between two categories - that which focuses on the dragons, and that which focuses on the humans. The subreddit r/HTTYDporn, which was founded in November 2018, currently has 6,800 members, too. Since its debut, people have continuously been searching for NSFW fanart pertaining to the series’ characters, and according to Google Trends, interest in such smut peaked in 2014 but has still continued steadily through today. How to Train Your Dragon is just another prominent example, but it’s more active than one might expect. This isn’t itself a new phenomenon - just about every popular animated movie gets the pornification treatment from its adult fans, even if the movies are for kids ( Frozen is particularly popular, for some reason).

Case in point: a non-insignificant number of people are on the hunt for How to Train Your Dragon porn. What does continue to surprise me, though, is how many people are actually consuming some of these seemingly obscure porn concoctions. Rule 34 of the internet has long established that whatever porn you can imagine being available already is. It’s never surprising to learn that a certain type of porn merely exists.